Operation Sock Drawer 2016

Operation Sock Drawer is something I've attempted to do every year since I really started knitting socks.  If you're not sure what it is, this post pretty much explains it pretty well.  Basically, however, it's simply a beefing up of our sock drawers (and others', if you're the type to knit socks for other people - I, unfortunately, am not, I have freakishly small feet and get really, really cranky making socks larger than that.) throughout the year.  Most people seem to aim for a pair a month, to make their sock drawers as full and colorful as absolutely possible.

It's a fun little habit to get into, and in some cases pushes people out of their comfort boundaries with their knitting skills.  After all, what better project to give some unknown technique a go than a pair of small, portable socks?

This page is a list of patterns I intend to knit in 2016 - sockwise, anyway.  I probably won't get to them all, but since I don't use my ravelry queue as a way of noting what I must knit right now, this page is a better place for me to keep a record of it.



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